Museum Exploration


There’s lots to see and do at Clifton Museum Park and the Birthplace of Hockey Museum! The Museum Exploration program allows students to explore these two museums accompanied by Heritage Interpreters or individually at their own pace. Students will be welcomed into the museums and shown highlighted artifacts chosen by the interpretation team. There are also a variety of lawn games and toys that students can experience.

This program is offered as part of the Hands-On History program and as a separate, complete program. When chosen as part of the Hands-On History program, Museum Exploration is approximately twenty minutes long.  When chosen as a complete program, Museum Exploration has a recommended length of 30 to 90 minutes. This program is easily adaptable to any grade.

Curriculum Outcome Links

The Museum Exploration program can easily be linked to many Social Studies and English Language Arts curriculum outcomes. Upon booking, specific curriculum outcomes for each grade can be provided.


5 Minutes: Welcome and Introduction

Heritage Interpreters will greet students as they enter. They will address any housekeeping items, such as washroom locations and appropriate museum behaviour, and students can ask preliminary questions about the museum.

Tour and Exploration of Clifton Museum and the Birthplace of Hockey Museum.

Students will tour the Clifton Museum and the Birthplace of Hockey Heritage Museum. They will have the opportunity to discuss with interpreters the lives of the people who used the artifacts found in the museums and the tangible heritage of Nova Scotia. Students will be encouraged to ask questions about artifacts and discuss how we learn about the past with interpreters.

Our Museum Exploration program has been designed so students can work with and learn from interpreters while incorporating individual exploration time throughout the museums. This student-led approach ensures that each participant will discover a piece of the museum that is personally valuable.

Following a tour and individual exploration of Clifton Museum and the Birthplace of Hockey Museum, students will be invited outside to experience games children played in the 1800s. We have a variety of lawn games and toys that were popular in the past, such as croquet, stilts, graces, and hoop rolling.

5 Minutes: Conclusion and Dismiss

Students can ask any final questions they have about the museums and share their thoughts with their peers and museum staff.